Thursday, September 8, 2011



This was taken exactly 20 months ago, my first day exploring Berlin since I arrived in Germany. I actually can't believe it was that long ago, it still seems crystal clear in my mind. On this particular day it was -18 degrees, the coldest I've ever experienced and I was still in a state of shock at the thought of being in a new country for a year, not knowing (at this point) anyone. I think some of my photos from last year will definitely creep their way onto the blog over the next ...however long I keep missing it.

In other news, I had a really fun time at Vogue's Fashion Night Out tonight! Have never been to anything like it and although I don't have a great knowledge of fashion as such (who am I knowledge) it was still very interesting, even in my very plain uni clothes.

ALSO have super super exciting news that I have some pretty sweeeet work experience/mini internship/assistant position lined up for the upcoming mid semester uni break! It may or may not be with one of the most talented food stylists/photographers/bloggers in all of Australia/Ireland for their new cookbook...but not giving anything away.

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